Just a few -stories (in Denmark) the Alentejanos (Portugal) etc.Actually,years back when I was studying Anthropology I took up this subject and found out that most of these stories came from the same source.During the 100 years war the soldiers hired by the various Kings of Europe would travel up through the countries,meet up and swap stories when sitting around the camp-fires. Denialism is simply a person’s choice to defy scientifically proven facts and live in their happy places where they don’t have to confront their own ignorance a black is white and white is black. of the association between fat and thin people and the following stereotypes: lazy-motivated, stupid-smart, and worthless-valuable. In the olden times there was not a country that did not have a region or group of peoples that were considered inferior/rustic/dumb and stories would circulate at dinner-tables and every-one would have a great big guffard at their expense. However,I have seen also some malicious comments below that I would rate as Bullying.It is easy to make fun of people who are less intelligent,have had fewer oportunities or the means to study. Very true,we see this over and over again. Hillary Clinton thinks that people are stupid enough to believe that millions of dollars contributed to her campaign by banks and pharmaceutical companies wi. That sounds quite natural because, after. He found that average intelligence quotients, or IQ’s, as measured by standardized tests were steadily increasing through the course of the 20 th century.

The Flynn Effect is the phenomenon identified by intelligence researcher James Flynn. Upvotes Follow Unfollow 2 years ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 People are getting stupider, it’s a scientific fact.